Limbo exists within the world of writing in two forms. The first bears its ugly head when you have completed your manuscript, including all the revisions you plan to write and the time it takes you to find an agent / publisher. For me that time was more hell that Limbo.
The three most important words in writing (as it has been drill into my head); perserverance, perserverance, perserverance. Almost two years after sending out my first query (that really should be a four letter word) I accepted an offer and signed my first contract. Smooth sailing from here I thought...wrong.
There were a lot of swells and troughs (since we seem to be on a nautical theme at the present time). Once I had my sea legs under me, all was well.
That is until the second limbo came a calling. This one occured once the editing process was finished, cover art was chosen and the galleys were signed off on. This Limbo was the torturous time between having book in hand and waiting for the release date to finally get here. I think, if there was no down time between production completion and book release, there would be much less anxiety medication taken by authors, agents, publishers and book sellers. In fact if you think about it, the lag time between book completion and actual release of a book is probably a plot of the pharmacutical companies.
Well, it's one in the morning and my day starts at 5:45 so I think I'll end there and mull these thought over.
Let me know what you think and sweet dreams; hahahahaha
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