Book Trailers

I must admit that at first, I was overwhelmed with the thought of making a book trailer video. Yet, several YouTube videos later on how to make one with the software I had, it no longer seemed so daunting. It helped that my husband owns a music production studio, and could help me with the music.

I was amazed by how many hits they received both on facebook and other sites, and the responses I got from readers and friends about them on facebook, twitter, etc. I have always believed that music just does something so profound to the mind/mood, and I think it enhances greatly the experience of considering a book. I would much rather watch a video than read a bunch of book blurbs. All you need about the book is right there.

I think tags are really important as well. I know that my book trailer video, "Rituals", has gotten by far, more hits than any of the others, even though it is a more basic video. I am guessing it is once particular tag that makes people stumble across it. LOL And, I have seen my sales of "A Modern Day Witch Hunt" triple my royalties from last quarter to this one.

I have even gone on to create a video for one of my husband's songs (he is a singer/songwriter) that I thought was important to get out there this Christmas with the war still going on. While a different venue, it got so much attention, thousands of hits in just days and picked up on a variety of sites as well. If you are interested

While I know personally how daunting they can be to start, I have encouraged many authors to create book trailer videos when they ask me for promo advice.

Kiki Howell

Views: 14

Comment by COS Productions on February 18, 2010 at 5:56pm
Wow Kiki! That's a great blog post! And to see your royalties go up like that is a testament to your skill as a writer and a promoter! Congrats!


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