At twenty years of age I am very driven to do things with my life. Splitting my time between my love for my horse, my alpacas, my love of medical knowledge and writing I am kept very busy. I aid my family in running our local store. I do all the medical care (with the exclusion of major trauma cases - thankfully we have not had any) for our animals. I feed them, play with them, and love them. Together, our ranch is one big family we all call home.
Currently raising a farm of thirty-two alpacas I find my time very stretched between my love for them and my joy of writing. Here in Big Sky Montana I am accompanied by my two lap dogs nearly every day as my creative process takes place. It is a wonderful joy to write in front of my large double doors where my alpacas can be watched and adored.
Unlike many writers I did not begin right away. I started when my English teacher began a section on short stories. I quickly evolved from there into essays and speeches. Hitting high school I got drawn into paranormal romance; where my writing took off. Now I am working on even more projects via request. Drawing from my extensive background I am writing a book based on the trauma of surgical operations, as well as many other self-help books that call upon my past experiences.
I would never trade the enjoyment from writing.
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